Wicker Park Critical Mass


Wicker Park Critical Mass

Time: May 6, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Fountain in the Polish Triangle at the intersection of Milwaukee Ave. & Division Street
Street: Milwaukee Ave. & Division Street
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?l…
Event Type: ride
Organized By: Organized Anarchists
Latest Activity: May 6, 2011

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What: The Wicker Park Critical Mass – A new ride to fill the streets with bikes, art and happiness!

When: 1st Friday of every month gathering at 6:00pm

Where: Mass Up by the Nelson Algren Fountain in the Polish Triangle at the intersection of Milwaukee Ave. & Division Street [MAP]

The Wicker Park Critical Mass (WPCM) proudly sprouted from the big tree, Chicago Critical Mass. Just as our city has a diverse array of neighborhoods and people, so too does its Critical Mass. Through the WPCM, and the neighborhood 'masses in general, new and old cyclists alike are re-connecting to the freewheelin' grassroots efforts to promote the fun and efficiency of biking through urban life. From the arterial crossroads of the Nelsen Algren fountain, our mass snakes through public spaces of architectural and artistic beauty. We are the Critical Mass of Wicker Park, the fruit of the Chicago Critical Mass, and the vehicle for public art in public space.




"[T]he masses who do the city's labor also keep the city's heart."
- Nelson Algren

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Comment by April on May 6, 2011 at 9:53am

Sorry folks, can't make it today.  I'm not feeling well.  Hopefully I'll see you all next week at the Northside Critical Mass.  Happy Friday to all!



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