Wicker Park First Fridays Happy Happy Fun Ride


Wicker Park First Fridays Happy Happy Fun Ride

Time: September 5, 2014 from 7pm to 11pm
Location: Wicker Park Fountain
Street: 1425 N Damen
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://massup.us/wpcm
Phone: 773-33-MASS-8
Event Type: utopian, pedalphilic, nice
Organized By: Andrew Bedno
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2014

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As usual, gather by the fountain in the middle of Wicker Park for some beerz amongst vagabonds, then ride somewhere TBD.

(Formerly 3rd Fridays, henceforth 1st Fridays to not overlap a new SouthSide mass planned for future 3rd Fridays)

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Comment by Andrew Bedno on September 4, 2014 at 8:46am

On FB Andrea's suggested doing gallery openings, of which there are several.  Offers art, pretty people, wine and nibbles.  Northside Mass to Pilsen Art Walk last year was way fun.  Can someone refine this idea?  Find a cluster, check the hours and addresses...

Comment by Andrew Bedno on September 2, 2014 at 5:57pm

This is currently the only listed ride Friday, and we're out of hot months after this, and we're on a new cycle (now 1st Fri, was 3rd), so let's make it good.  Here's some stuff happening Friday we could visit, or let's take a vote, or try my new Schwinn navigation thingee, or visit Humboldt lagoon, etc.
Also see https://www.facebook.com/wpmass

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