Where to Bike Chicago Launch Party


Where to Bike Chicago Launch Party

Time: February 4, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: SRAM Headquarters
Street: 1333 North Kingsbury St., 4th floor
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.sram.com
Phone: 312-636-8968
Event Type: bike, party, -, book, launch
Organized By: Greg Borzo
Latest Activity: Feb 5, 2011

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Get the jump on spring and Punxsutawney Phil at a party on the night before Groundhog Day. Join us at SRAM headquarters to celebrate the launch of Where to Bike Chicago. With spring just around the corner, you’ll need this new guidebook, which describes and maps 72 Chicago and suburban bike rides. Some of these rides will be new to you no matter how much you bike. For more information about the new book, visit www.WhereToBikeChicago.com.

The event is free and finger food and drinks will be served at the launch party. Author Greg Borzo will be available to sign copies of the hardcover, spiral-bound, 280-page, full-color Where to Bike Chicago (BA Press, 2011). Also, winners of the Photo Contest will be announced.


Borzo is also the author of the popular book The Chicago "L" (Arcadia Publishing, 2007), which tells the story of the "L" through some 250 photographs. Visit www.TheChicagoL.com.

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Comment by Greg Borzo on February 5, 2011 at 6:55am
The Thought You Knew calendars were a popular item in our raffle at the end of the evening. Thanks, again, Alexis, for donating them. - Greg
Comment by T.C. O'Rourke on January 31, 2011 at 6:40pm
Just an FYI folks, but the launch party has been moved to Friday Feb 4 due to the blizzard forcast.

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