Time: June 9, 2012 from 9:30am to 2pm
Location: City Farm
Street: 1200 N. Clybourn
City/Town: Chicago, Il
Website or Map: http://www.resourcecenterchic…
Phone: 773 248 5499
Event Type: social
Organized By: Kathy Schubert 'n Suzy Schnauzer
Latest Activity: Jun 9, 2012
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We will stop at 4 Urban Farms - City Farm, Hull House Kitchen Farm, Windy City Harvest, and finally the Open House at the Plant, Chicago's first off-the-grid vertical farm and food business incubator. Tours of The Plant are $5.00 (half the usual price).
between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. They’ll have:
Helmets are required for this ride. Please bring along replacement tube(s) for your bike and a light jacket for yourself. It may be quite cool in The Plant because it's so well insulated.
This looks pretty sweet. I'm trying to convince my landlord to let me do a rooftop garden on our building. Hopefully, they have some information on rooftop/urban gardens I could bring to him.
Self sustainability is the direction humanity NEEDS to go IMHO.
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