Time: July 15, 2015 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: House of Blues
Street: 329 N Dearborn
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map: http://houseofblues.com/chica…
Phone: 312/527-2583
Event Type: bike, movie
Latest Activity: Jul 15, 2015
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X-posting from HouseOfBlues.com
"Doors @ 630PM. Performance begins at 730PM. On Wednesday, July 15, Teton Gravity Research and Anthill Films are bringing their new mountain bike film, unReal, to the House of Blues Chicago for a FREE one-night only premiere. Come catch this film on the big screen and have a chance to win a ton of prizes, including swag from Shimano, Sony Action Cams, and more! This event is brought to you for FREE by Shimano - advance sign up is required to get your free ticket. This show is ALL AGES. Valid Photo ID is required for age restricted shows. Forms of valid ID are current and non-expired Driver's License, State ID or Passport. House of Blues Chicago is a standing room only venue, all tickets are General Admission unless otherwise stated."
From http://www.tetongravity.com/films/unreal
unReal is for those of us who escape. A film that celebrates breaking free from the confines of reality and venturing into a boundless world. This place isn’t remote or hard to find, and yet many never see it. Here, glacial walls transform into mountain bike trails, rain and snow aren't the only elements to fall from the sky and thousand pound mammals become riding partners. Breathtaking visuals conjure feelings of awe and pure joy; feelings that only those of us who venture outside can truly understand. This film is dedicated to you—the dreamers, the rule-breakers, the ones who never grow up, the ones who know the secret—the ones who know the way into the unReal world.
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