Time: January 1, 2022 from 12pm to 4pm
Location: Intelligentsia Broadway
Street: 3123 N Broadway
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://goo.gl/maps/h46KV8JJ1…
Event Type: holiday
Organized By: bobweiser
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2021
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Start the new year off on the right pedal with this unofficial Chicago Cycling Club New Year’s Day ride. Neither snow nor sleet nor ice nor wind nor hangovers will prevent an intrepid group of cyclists from riding on the first day of 2022. Embark on a 7-mile cycling odyssey that includes the obligatory brunch/lunch stop at a restaurant (Cultivate) in a great Chicago neighborhood (Ravenswood).
Chicago is currently in Phase 5. Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status, in all indoor public settings. Masks are required on buses and trains. If you are sick with or think you might have Covid, please stay home.
Meet between 11:30 and noon at Intelligentsia Broadway to warm up and caffeinate. We will return to this area for those who want to end there. The Red and Brown Lines at Belmont and the 36 Broadway and Divvy at Broadway & Barry are just minutes away. So easy to get to!
The scenic route -- up the lakefront -- from Intelligentsia to Cultivate is 7 miles. If you want to just meet us for lunch, we plan to arrive at 4710 N Ravenswood Ave around 1.
Cultivate by Forbidden Root is a pub and botanical inspired brewery that serves elevated bar food from Chef Carlos Cruz as well as their own plant-infused ales and other complex beers. Their second Chicago location will be serving some of their beer utilizing a 20 barrel wood foeder to create some beautiful food friendly beer to pour along side with some of their established brewpub favorites.
Snuggle up in your winter riding gear and come on out! Please bring a lock, money for lunch, rain gear, and a helmet.
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