TyK [Thought You Knew] Kickstarter Push!!!


TyK [Thought You Knew] Kickstarter Push!!!

Time: September 21, 2011 all day
Location: The World Wide Web
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.kickstarter.com/pr…
Event Type: fundraiser
Organized By: TyK [Thought You Knew]
Latest Activity: Sep 20, 2011

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Help TyK become more than your beloved Pinup Calendar!

Pre-order your 2012 Calendar and help get more ladies out on their bicycles!

TyK is up on Kickstarter raising funds for printing as well as to launch our new women's outreach program dubbed "The Monthly Cycle." We've reached our minimum funding goal for printing, but there's a lot more to do...

For our outreach program, each month we'll be chaperoning 10 women to their local bike shop to meet their mechanics, learn how to fix a flat and get savvy with the vernacular of their bicycle. So far, we're working just in Chicago, but this is something shops and ladies both need nation wide! You can check out some of the responses from our inaugural event at The Bike Lane up on our Meetup page.

So! For every $1000 we go past our printing goal we'll be able to add another city to our roster.

Check out out Kickstarter online and pre-order your TyK calendar. You'll be able to pick it up at our Gala Launch Party on November 3rd, or have it sent right to your door.

We would love to see a big show of support from all of you here on The Chainlink! Watch the video to see the ladies you'll be supporting...





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