Time: December 24, 2016 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Location: The Clock Tower
Street: 3700 N. Recreation Drive
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.dr-bob.org/3f.map
Event Type: drunken
Organized By: bobweiser
Latest Activity: Feb 7, 2017
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No, this isn't about trying, after having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, to carry any message to alcoholics, or to practice any principles in all our affairs.
It's about riding to Three Floyds and boosting our cognitive function every month this year! Now there's a consistent schedule -- the 4th Saturday of every month -- others have opportunities to lead (I can't make it every time), and you can qualify for the F-12 Award.
The ride takes the lakefront trail south from the Clock Tower. You can join up anywhere along the trail. Just let the group know where so they can look for you.
45 miles total if you ride to Flossmoor Station and take the Metra, 50 if you ride to 93rd and take the Metra or to 100th and take the J14, 55 if you ride to 71st and take the J14, 70 if you ride all the way. 14-17 mph. I like to get there before they open at 11:00 (it's still the fourth-best brewery in the world, so sometimes there's a line). Bring money, government-issued ID, a lock, lights since the day is short, water and snacks to have en route, and panniers for beer you can't get in Chicago.
Online resources:Google map, cue sheet, Metra Electric train schedules, Jeffrey Jump (J14) bus schedule, Bikes on the Metra, Bikes on the Bus, and, to save a minute at the start, the nifty online CCC waiver.
Permanent Funeral aged in Few Gin barrels
This collaboration with Kaldi’s Coffee uses the cold toddy method of extraction for the coffee. We mix it with Oatmeal Stout for an exceptionally delicious beer.
and a nice day!
Saturday 12/24 Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 34F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. |
and at 18th street:
new since last time:
Try to cry out in the heat of the moment. Possessed by a fury that burns from inside. Fourth in a series of Experimental Hops. IPA
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