Time: December 4, 2016 from 10am to 2pm
Location: behind 1113 W Webster Ave Chicago, IL
Street: 1113 W Webster Ave, 2
City/Town: Chicago
Phone: 773 248 5499
Event Type: social
Organized By: Kathy Schubert 'n Suzy Schnauzer
Latest Activity: Nov 30, 2016
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We will tour most of the 43 large sculptures scattered around the north side. I have a printed brochure which gives the location, names and artists' names. We'll stop for lunch around the middle of the 25 mile tour. Please bring a lock and money if you plan to join us. At this time the weather prediction is chilly but not much chance of rain. If in doubt, phone Kathy at 773 248 5499 before coming over.
I have invited some of the artists to join us.
thanks to Pamela Cullerton, President of the Chicago Sculpture Exhibit and the Honorable Vi Daley, a board member of CSE for producing and publicizing these sculpture exhibits
FREE SAMPLES of curate energy bars to all
Please be sure to wear your helmet - or borrow one of ours.
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