Time: June 2, 2012 from 11am to 3pm
Location: Horner Parlk
Street: 2741 W Montrose
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map: http://g.co/maps/asxmb
Phone: 773-255-6347
Event Type: architectural, social, tour
Organized By: Lee Diamond
Latest Activity: Jun 1, 2012
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Irving Park, Chicago Community Area #16 sits 7 miles northwest of the Loop. Prior to being annexed to Chicago in 1889, the suburban communities that make up today's Irving Park Community Area fell outside the city's post-fire ban on wood-frame construction. The result is a community rich with some of the oldest surviving construction in the city. After Irving Park joined Chicago, the area experienced even greater prosperity spurring decades of significant architecture development creating one of the greatest built environments in all of Chicago. It features comfortably nestled neighborhoods such as the Villa, (a registered National and City Historic Landmark), Old Irving, Independence Park and Grayland. On the tour, we will take in beautiful works of architecture such as Dwight Perkins' Carl Schurz High School, the Henry V. Peters House by Walter Burley Griffin, St. Viator by Charles Wallace and dozens of other truly special buildings.
The tour is just shy of 17 miles. The ride is at a slow and relaxed pace and all riders must wear a helmet.
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