The Chainlink NOT-a-Training-Ride Ride


The Chainlink NOT-a-Training-Ride Ride

Time: June 6, 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Turin Bicycle
Street: 4710 N Damen Ave
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Event Type: fun ride, group ride, the chainlink team ride, the chainlink
Organized By: The Chainlink
Latest Activity: Jun 5, 2017

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Training rides not your thing? Would you like to ride about 5-10 miles at a leisurely pace, have a pint and a good, chill night? AND have your miles count towards the National Bike Challenge miles? This is just the ride for you! 

Requirements: Helmet, non-lycra normal-looking clothing, a lock, and lights. Just a chill ride. No hammers will be dropped.

Meet at Turin. Yeah, that is the place the speedy people are meeting for the training ride but we'll go have a nice, chill ride and end up at a pub or a tap room or ???

If there is a chance of weather, check The Chainlink Facebook page

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Comment by Yasmeen on June 3, 2017 at 5:45am
Tuesday's plan!
We are going to head to Handlebar in Wicker Park and make this a destination ride.
The weather looks nice and it's a great excuse to go about 5-6 miles to Handlebar, eat and ride back North. Their back patio is great and includes bike parking.

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