Time: February 2, 2013 from 7pm to 11:45pm
Location: Burke's Web Pub
Street: 2026 W Webster Ave.
City/Town: Chicago,IL
Website or Map: https://maps.google.com/maps?…
Event Type: snow, social, winter
Organized By: John
Latest Activity: Feb 2, 2013
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2 years and 1 day after Snowpocalypse, we finally have enough snow for the first ride of 2013.
Come to the Web around 7:00pm and look for bike helmets. Departure is by 8pm; bring lights. We ride in unspoiled parks and on uncleared city streets. Hand and toe warmers will be freely given, and hot cocoa shared until I run out.
Click the pix for articles of encouragement.
*BONUS* We will end the ride at Humboldt Park to go SLEDDING! Equipment graciously provided by Shar.
Hooray for snow and bikes!
Success! Thanks to Nick and Shar for a great time sledding. Team Teflon was edged out on speed by Saucer/Sheet Combo, but the Train topped them all.
The Web
Holstein Park
Park #529
Park #399
Humboldt Park
Ha! I just posted in a Snow Ride thread!
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