Time: February 1, 2011 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: Corner Bar
Street: 2224 N. Leavitt St.
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?h…
Event Type: snow, social
Organized By: John
Latest Activity: Feb 1, 2021
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If it happens, it happens.
When there is snowfall of two inches or or more, come to the Corner Bar at 7:00pm. You can warm your winter biking gear on the radiator. Departure is by 8pm; bring lights. Hand and toe warmers will be available. On extra good evenings, the ride may be followed by sledding in Humboldt Park.
Hooray for snow and bikes!
Just got home. Wild night out there. Helped push several cars out of snowbanks in the middle of intersections. Had to abandon my bike and walk. 3 foot drifts all over the place. Glad I saw it, but much more that I got home.
michael, Avg Moving Speed: 5.8 mph? that sounds about right, but i know you made it south of wilson!
it was a fun ride to the lake, thundersnow on the way, and lots of emergency vehicles, but it was impossible to see anything there. on my way home a snowmobile passed me going the other way.
O'Shaughnessy's. I live within spitting distance of that establishment, I'd have stumbled over for a pint had I known.
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