Smylie Brothers and Lake Bluff Brewery on Saturday


Smylie Brothers and Lake Bluff Brewery on Saturday

Time: May 23, 2015 all day
Location: Smylie Brothers Brewery in Evanston, Lake Bluff Brewery in Lake Bluff
Street: 1615 Oak Ave
City/Town: Evanston, IL 60201
Website or Map:…
Phone: 224-999-7320
Event Type: social, ride, drinking, and, eating
Organized By: Christopher Newman
Latest Activity: May 20, 2015

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A double-brewery bike run with lots of options for people at any stage of getting their cycling legs under them:

1) Bike from Chicago to Evanston for lunch and beer at Smylie Brothers.  This will be anywhere from 7-15 miles depending on where in Chicago you're starting from, and we can work out meeting points if we want to head up together. Plan to arrive by 11:00-11:30 so we can finish up by around 12:30-1, because there is a Metra from Evanston Main St. to Lake Bluff at 12:55 for anyone who wants to join us at the second brewery but doesn't want to bike there.
2) For those who do wish to bike some more, ride from Smylie Brothers to the Lake Bluff Brewery along the Green Bay Trail, likely arriving by 2:30-3:00 P.M (about an hour to an hour and half after the train riders get there):
There are trains back to Ogilvie from Lake Bluff at 4:20, 5:20, and 7:20, so we have some flexibility in when we come back.  
The ride can be 10 miles, 30 miles, 60 miles RT, pretty much as rigorous as you like with the option of the Metra train track (and the CTA back from Evanston for those who wish) nearby.  All are welcome, and as soon as I have a decent idea of the headcount I'll try to make reservations at both places.

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Comment by Christopher Newman on May 19, 2015 at 7:33am

That's still a very nice consolation prize...

Comment by Christopher Newman on May 19, 2015 at 5:22am

And by happy accident this Saturday happens to be the first ever Lake Bluff Brewery Block Party from 5 P.M. to 11 P.M., so we'll get to enjoy that as well. 

Attending (2)

Might attend (1)

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