Time: April 26, 2009 from 7am to 1:30pm
Location: American Legion Hall
Street: 6517 Main Street
City/Town: Union, IL 602180
Website or Map: http://schaumburgbicycleclub.…
Event Type: ride, invitational
Organized By: Schaumburg Bicycle Club
Latest Activity: Apr 25, 2009
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Celebrate SPRING and the promise of another great bicycling season! April weather is unpredictable so bring appropriate clothing. Whatever your persuasion, cross your fingers, salute the sun, meditate or say a prayer for weather good enough to bicycle.
Non-bicycling friends and family may want to visit Union’s Railroad Museum, Donley’s Wild West Town or shop at the Huntley Mall.
The small village of Union has been welcoming and friendly toward SPRING FORWARD and we want to keep it that way. Please do not park in front of the American Legion or Checkers Restaurant, or in their parking lots. Parking Monitors will direct you to parking. Park first, then register at the American Legion and have a great Lion’s Club breakfast.
Times & Events
* Registration opens at 7:00 AM @ the American Legion.
* NO STARTS after 11:30 AM. Route closes 1:30 PM.
* All You Can Eat Breakfast offered by the Union Lion’s Club starting at 7 AM for only $5.50. Partial proceeds to benefit Union Children’s Christmas Fund.
* Join us for lunch behind Checker’s Restaurant starting @ 11AM – Hot Dog, Chips, & Soda for $3.00. Provided by Checkers. All proceeds to Union Children’s Christmas Fund.
* Purchase lunch tickets at the Spring Forward Registration table on the day of the event.
Rest Stops
* 18, 31 mi. routes – 1 rest stop
* 62 mi. route – 2 rest stops
* Enjoy fruit, bagels, brownies and of course PB&J! Hot soup, hot tea, hot chocolate.
SAG Support
* Radio-patrolled SAG support on the route courtesy of the McHenry County Radio Club.
* A mechanic will be available at the start for minor adjustments. Please carry a pump and patch kit and/or extra tube.
* Pre-Registration (until April 20th):
Adults - $15
Age 17 or under - $10
* Day of Event:
Adults - $20
Age 17 or under - $10
* You can register on-line at active.com.
* If you prefer, complete a mail-in form.
All riders must wear an ANSI/SNELL approved helmet and obey the rules of the road.
We look forward to seeing you there!
203 members
172 members
1 member
270 members
1 member
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