Roscoe Village Kidical Mass - Splash n' Play


Roscoe Village Kidical Mass - Splash n' Play

Time: August 6, 2017 from 10am to 11:30am
Location: Audubon School playground
Street: 3500 North Hoyne
City/Town: Chicago, Illinois 60615
Website or Map: http://www.chicagokidicalmass…
Event Type: family friendly, family bike event, kidical mass, family cycling, bicycle, kid-friendly
Organized By: Chicago Kidical Mass
Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2017

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Join Kidical Mass for a slow, easy-going, fun, group ride focused on kids (all ages) and families that will tour the Roscoe Village neighborhood.

Gather at the Audubon School playground (3500 N. Hoyne Ave.) at 10:00 for a 10:30 departure.

Ride Guidelines
- Please wear helmets and ride safely.
- Rides are typically 3-4 miles at a 5-6 mph pace, roughly 1 hour with stops.
- Rides are suitable for children who have progressed beyond training wheels.
- Younger children are welcome on trail-a-bikes, child trailers and child seats on their parent's bike.
- Festive dress and decorations encouraged.
- It is expected that all kids bring a parent or guardian with a bike.

Check the website for finalized hours, location, and more information please visit

4/2/17 Kickoff Ride
5/7/17 Superhero Spin
6/4/17 River Roll
7/2/17 Independence Ride
8/6/17 Splash n’ Play
9/3/17 Labor Day Weekend Fun Ride 
10/1/17 Birthday Parade
11/5/17 Bike to Leaf Pile
12/3/17 Donut Ride

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