Time: April 15, 2009 from 7pm to 8pm
Location: Wicker Park
Street: Milwaukee Ave and Damen, inf ront of Bank of America
City/Town: Chicago IL
Phone: 630 363 1075.
Event Type: social, planning
Organized By: Chris
Latest Activity: Apr 15, 2009
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Okay gang, the date is almost upon us. If you plan on joining us for our trek to milwaukee YOU NEED TO COME TO THIS PRE-RIDE. If you can't make it to the ride please make a special note to EMAIL (cgilbe1[at]gmail.com) me and let me know.
The goal is two-fold 1) to meet up in person 2) to decide on final ride-day details and 3) to get a final headcount for saturday.
we will roll up (NE) Milwaukee Ave for a few miles and then back, stopping at a coffee shop/pub TBD by the group.
This is a social and planning ride not a "group ride" so we're not going out hard, nor fast, nor long. we'll save that for Sat!
We will meet at 7 and get rolling at 720.
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