Rally to tell IDOT "NO" to massive highway expansions and overpass above Halsted


Rally to tell IDOT "NO" to massive highway expansions and overpass above Halsted

Time: June 27, 2013 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Location: the corner of Halsted & Van Buren
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://www.facebook.com/even…
Event Type: rally
Organized By: Matheis
Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2013

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Riding through highway overpasses is both frightening and dangerous. IDOT's current plan will lead to more car traffic and worsen conditions for bicycling.


***PLEASE join us on bike or foot today at 5:30pm at the corner of Halsted & Van Buren for a united protest against the flyover that will end in a march to IDOT's public hearing at the Crowne Plaza Hotel three blocks away***


IDOT plans to build three flyover ramps as part of their 4.5 year ~450 million dollar circle interchange project. Two ramps will go over Harrison street west of Halsted just east of South Des Plaines Street. Another ramp will go over Halsted street just south of Van Buren street and divide the Greektown from Halsted to the south.


The proposed flyover ramp over Halsted will be massive with two 12’ lanes and two 10’ shoulders, plus the support structure required to handle 40,000 cars a day. We know what flyover ramps look like: concrete behemoths.


We need transit that unites not divides.


– Sign the petition now at http://stopidot.org/

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