
Polar Bear Ride

Time: January 30, 2011 from 1:45pm to 6pm
Location: Lincoln Park Zoo/Lake Front/Andersonville
Website or Map: http:///…
Phone: 773-368-8980
Event Type: recreational
Organized By: Mark Paye
Latest Activity: Jan 30, 2011

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Meet at the Lincoln Park Polar Bear exhibit at 1:45 pm to watch the public feeding of the Ursus maritimus.  Depart at 2:30 for a two-wheeled survey of the frozen lakefront.  Bring sleds, skis, and/or snow bikes to traverse Cricket Hill and explore nearby trails.  End in Andersonville at Simon's Tavern for glogg or a Taste of Heaven for hot chocolate. Children/families are welcome to attend, but plan for temperatures between 15-30 degrees.

Please RSVP 773-368-8980

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Comment by cutifly on January 30, 2011 at 5:43am
You end up right by my house anyway but I can use something to do while my computer backdates more spreadsheets. eewww

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