Planning anti Dooring education


Planning anti Dooring education

Time: October 21, 2012 from 4pm to 7pm
Location: Katie and Aaron's place
Street: 4651 n Greenview apt 402 (buzz up to 402)
Phone: 773 576 2312
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: KatieP
Latest Activity: Oct 24, 2012

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A lot of ideas have been proposed for Dooring education. This includes to cyclists, divers, car passengers, pedestrians, etc. For those willing to donate some time and effort, please come to discuss outreach campaign ideas.

Note that this won't completely erase dooring but hopefully will decrease it. 

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Comment by KatieP on October 24, 2012 at 11:19am

We created the planning group at 

Comment by KatieP on October 23, 2012 at 3:31am

Thanks all for attending! There's a lot of great energy and ideas. We will post the next steps and creating the planning group later tonight.

Comment by Chicago Ride of Silence on October 22, 2012 at 10:12am

Thanks for organizing yesterday. Here's the link to the NYC decal:

Comment by Melissa M on October 21, 2012 at 1:15pm

Hello, all. Sorry I didn't make it today. I haven't been well the last couple days. Can someone send 'round a summary of the meeting? Also, if there's to be more meetings, I can host one.

Comment by Anne Alt on October 21, 2012 at 11:34am

I would have liked to be there today, but I had a conflict with another event.  If there's another gathering for this purpose, I'd like to attend.

Comment by KatieP on October 21, 2012 at 8:10am

Definitely! Please come - we were all newbies at one point in time.

Comment by Jose Zayas on October 21, 2012 at 7:24am

Is it ok for people to join in the meeting, I'm new here and don't want to be the stranger nobody knows but would very much like to help in this campaign as well as other things that we face everyday. If there is no problem please let me know. Thank you!

Comment by Sarah D. on October 20, 2012 at 12:37am

Hi there, one suggestion that came out of a discussion I had yesterday morning is to make sure all cabs have the cling stickers on all 4 windows - something that would require city cooperation and a grant, likely, for printing, but could not only make a huge impact safety-wise, but could be a big PR splash. I also thought about the PR angle - you could look at Active Trans' bike to work week lists and see if there is a highly bike-friendly large PR firm and see if anyone would take on this cause as its annual pro-bono project...

Comment by Sarah D. on October 18, 2012 at 11:15am

I'd love to help but cannot attend. Please keep me in mind for future stuff!

Comment by Bliss BT on October 17, 2012 at 3:45pm
I'd love to help somehow. I also have the capability to have a good number of stencils cut for free (depending on the size).

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