Time: April 29, 2017 from 10am to 12:30pm
Location: Freedom Park
Street: 4775 W. 131st St.
City/Town: Alsip, IL 60803
Website or Map: https://www.google.com/maps/p…
Phone: 773-603-8127
Event Type: ride
Organized By: Peter Taylor
Latest Activity: Apr 13, 2017
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Departure Time: 10:00 am SHARP
End Time: 12:30 pm
Ride Leader Peter Taylor, pbtaylor27@comcast.net
Start Location: Freedom Park,4775 W 131st St Alsip IL 60803
Distance/Time Duration: 25 miles or 2.5 hours
Average Speed and Rolling Speed: 10 to 15 mph
Drop/No Drop: NO DROP RIDE
Route and Description of the ride: Join us as we continue our developmental ride series and explore the Cal-Sag Trail. After riding about 15 miles we will stop for a short rest and coffee before returning to Freedom Park in Alsip. Bring money for coffee and a big smile.
Part of being a good cyclist is having the tools and accessories necessary to be self-sufficient, safe, and ready to ride. Below is a general list of items to bring and a to-do list to be ready for an MTC3 ride.
· Gear Bag: buy a gear bag (saddle bag is recommended) and stock it with the basics – extra tube,tire tools, a small multi-tool, and either a mini-pump or a CO2 cartridge set.
· Tire Pressure: pump your tires up before coming to the ride, or bring a floor pump that you can use in the parking lot before the ride. If you need help, MTC3 ride leaders will be there to help you learn.
· Your bike: Give it a quick inspection. Spin the wheels to make sure they aren’t rubbing. Do the gears shift accurately and easily? Does everything seem to be in order? This is called an ABC check. (Air, Brakes, and Chain)
· Hydration/Food: Remember to bring water/sports drink and maybe an energy snack (bar, gel, banana, etc).
· Optional items: The following will make your ride more enjoyable, but aren’t absolutely necessary. Cycling gloves, sunglasses, cycling shoes and clipless pedals, padded cycling shorts.
· Be on Time: MTC3 rides leave promptly at the advertised time. Get to the start of the ride with plenty of time to get yourself and your bike ready to roll with soul!
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