Time: December 4, 2011 from 10am to 3pm
Location: UW-Milwaukee Union
Street: 2200 E Kenwood BLVD
City/Town: Milwaukee
Website or Map: http://www.bfw.org/events/eve…
Phone: 414-271-9685 x1
Event Type: bike, swap
Organized By: jake Newborn
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2011
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Milwaukee’s largest bike swap! Benefiting Milwaukee Junior Cycling and UW-M Cycling teams.
Come to buy or sell full bikes, parts, accessories, clothing, arts and crafts.
For vendor information contact jacob.newborn@bfw.org
Proceeds go to support Milwaukee Bicycle Works and the UWM Cycling team.
$5 for general public, $3 with student ID, Kids 12 and under are free.
vendors can register using this link!^^^^
Tables are $40 for individuals/$35 for 2nd table
$150 for retailers but includes 2 tables.
203 members
172 members
1 member
270 members
1 member
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