Time: August 10, 2019 from 7am to 2pm
Location: Major Taylor Trail at 115th St
Street: 920 W 115th St
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://www.active.com/chicag…
Phone: 773-474-0944
Event Type: fundraiser ride
Organized By: Brenda Dixon
Latest Activity: May 23, 2019
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This event marks the 120th anniversary of Marshall "Major "Taylor winning the world 1-mile championship in Montreal, defeating Boston rival Tom Butler. It is a fundraiser ride for trail maintenance, including the new mural created last year.
Choose from ride options of 5, 26, 30, 44, 50, 64, or 89 miles - mix and match your choice of 5 segments to customize your experience.
Registration and check in is from 7-7:30. A tribute to Major Taylor and special presentation is from 7:30-7:55am. All rides start at 8:00 a.m. in the heart of Chicago's far South Side, at Morgan Park Commons, 115th Street and the Major Taylor Trail.
Go to this link to register for the event:
All riders follow the Major Taylor Trail south and take the Little Calumet River Bridge -- featuring the largest Major Taylor mural ever created -- into Whistler Woods. From Whistler Woods there are two route options, one to Lake Katherine via the scenic Cal-Sag Trail, and another to Lansing Woods. From those destinations there are further options: a loop from Lake Katherine to Sag Quarries, and a loop from Lansing Woods to the Major Taylor gravesite in Glenwood. Combining all the options adds up to 88.6 miles and includes 3 rest stops, at Whistler Woods, Lake Katherine, and Lansing Woods.
This ride is a fundraiser for the upkeep of the Major Taylor Trail organized by the Friends of the Major Taylor Trail (majortaylortrail.org) and CNIP -Community and Neighborhood Improvement Project (cnipchicago.org).
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