Lincoln Square Kidical Mass 11/17! (3rd Saturday of every month)


Lincoln Square Kidical Mass 11/17! (3rd Saturday of every month)

Time: November 17, 2012 from 10:30am to 11:30am
Location: Welles Park Gazebo in Lincoln Square
Street: Western/Montrose/Lincoln/Sunnyside quadrant
City/Town: Chicago
Event Type: social, families, kids
Organized By: Saskia Hofman
Latest Activity: Nov 13, 2012

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Mass up at the Welles Park Gazebo - we take off at 10:30pm, circling around the park and then heading on a route in the Lincoln Square/Ravenswood area. Adults shepherd the kids on the street, just like the real Critical Mass! Kids can bring their own wheels or ride as passengers. Join us! 

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