Let's See . . . Income Taxes or a Bike Ride to Oak Brook?


Let's See . . . Income Taxes or a Bike Ride to Oak Brook?

Time: April 11, 2010 from 8am to 2pm
Location: Clock Tower
Street: Waveland and Lake Shore Dr. (3700N)
City/Town: chicago
Phone: 773 509-8093
Event Type: touring ride, 60 miles, 15 to 18 mph, bikewinter
Organized By: Chicago Cycling Club
Latest Activity: Apr 11, 2010

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KEEP PROCRATSTINATING .... still plenty of time....
You've got better things to do with your weekend than your income tax filings. So come out and ride. Touring to the west and south, past historic Graue Mill to the Fullersburg Nature Preserve in trendy & bucolic Oak Brook. Come out with your fully-functioning road bike and grind out a grainy 60-mile coarse ride and find out the answer to the question "How far west does the Salt Creek Bike Path run?". three rest stops likey: Oak Park for coffee en route, midstop at the Nature Preserve and Tasty Dog in Oak Park en return.

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Comment by Tank-Ridin' Ryan on April 10, 2010 at 7:38pm
How far west does the Salt Creek Trail run? Third and Villa in Villa Park!

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