Time: January 26, 2017 from 10am to 2pm
Location: Leighton Criminal Courts building
Street: 2600 S California Ave
City/Town: Chicago
Event Type: court date, bobby cann
Organized By: Kim Foxx, States Attorney
Latest Activity: Jan 25, 2017
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If you are able to attend and show your support, this will be a very important court date.
From Ride On Bobby FB page:
Thursday 12/15/16 Court Update:
On her way to the courthouse this morning ASA Jennifer Coleman received a phone call from defense attorney Sam Adam informing her he was going to request a 402 Conference. The name comes from Illinois Supreme Court Rule 402 which provides for a judge to be part of the plea negotiation. At this conference the ASA, the defense attorney, and Judge Hooks meet to review the case and the Judge lets the defense know what the sentence will be if the defendant pleads guilty. The defendant can accept the sentence, which means the case is over; or the defendant can reject it and go to trial. The defense has indicated they will only accept a sentence of probation - otherwise they will go to trial.
No motions were argued in court today. Judges prefer defendants to plead before they have exhausted all 'escape' paths.
The Cook County pre-trial team will put together a report on the defendant’s past, including criminal and non-criminal events that will give a bigger picture of who he is and any mitigating or aggravating factors in his past. The other component of the 402 is the ADES (Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Services) evaluation, which will investigate drug and alcohol histories specifically as well as evaluate the degree of his problem with them. This evaluation will help determine what degree of rehabilitation, if any, is included in the sentence.
The 402 Conference has been scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2017.
I received this from Cherrell at Active Trans:
The following is an update/next court date info for next Bobby Cann hearing:
I wanted to make sure that you knew that a very important hearing is coming up on the 26th of this month (January 2017) and it would be very impactful if you could please attend.
The defense has requested and will be granted on the 26th a "402 Conference" at which the defense will ask the judge what sentence he is likely to impose if the defense were to change its plea to guilty.
The defense has indicated they will only accept a sentence of probation - otherwise they will go to trial.
Bobby's family and close friends will also be submitting Victim's Impact Statements to the judge in advance of this hearing to help inform his decision.
A large turnout would hopefully impress upon the Judge that an unreasonably light sentence would be publicly unacceptable. We hope that you are able to attend.
The hearing is scheduled for
9:30 am, (please get there early to get a seat)
Leighton Criminal Courts Building
2650 S California Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
Room 301
*Cell phones and other electronic devices as well as helmets are not allowed in the building. Small lockers for phones are available in limited supply at the entrance on a first come first served basis, but it is recommended that you please make arrangements to store these items outside or leave them at home.
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