Time: February 22, 2014 from 10am to 2pm
Location: Yorktown Shopping Center
City/Town: Lombard, IL
Event Type: health, fair
Organized By: Sponsored by Elmhurst Memorial & Healthy Lombard
Latest Activity: Feb 24, 2014
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LiNiTo Cycle invites Chainlink friends to join us as we participate in the Healthy Lombard Fitness Fair. FREE Health Information, FREE Health Screenings, and FREE Exercise Opportunities will be offered by 25+ businesses plus raffle prizes!
Thanks to our Chainlink friend Erich for taking a spin with LiNiTo Cycle and supporting the Healthy Lombard Fitness February Fair!
Thanks to our Chainlink friend Bryce for taking a spin with LiNiTo Cycle and supporting the Healthy Lombard Fitness February Fair!
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