Time: May 11, 2009 from 7pm to 8pm
Location: Brehon Pub
Street: 731 N. Wells
City/Town: chicago
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f…
Event Type: polical, single payer, healthcare
Organized By: thang van ung
Latest Activity: May 11, 2009
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May Meeting,
When: Monday, May 11,
Time: 7 pm, meeting, (6:30 pm,
Where: Brehon's Pub, 731 N. Wells,
Chicago (Corner Superior and Wells)
May's chair: Allan
Health care reformers within the Democratic Party say that Single Payer is "off the table". They point instead to a proposed 'public option' that promises many benefits and lower cost.
What is the public option? How does it compare to a Single Payer solution? What are its chances of being passed, and why is it being offered?
John Gaudette of Citizen Action Illinois and Health Care for America Now joins us Monday night as an advocate
of the public option, and PDA member Dr. Anne Scheetz will explain
the merits of a single payer solution in a frank and open discussion
of the politics and policy of health care reform. A discussion, not
an argument.
If you're concerned about Health Care and Health Care reform, you should attend.
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