
Great Western Beer Run

Time: September 26, 2015 all day
Location: Crystal Lake Brewing
Street: 150 North Main Street
City/Town: Crystal Lake, IL, 60014
Website or Map:…
Event Type: social, (beer-intensive), ride, with, lots, of, nice, scenery
Organized By: Christopher Newman
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2015

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Heading out west this time with the goal of hitting up 2 other breweries on the way to our final destination (Crystal Lake Brewing), before catching the Metra back to Ogilvie in the evening from the Crystal Lake Station (which you can more or less stumble out the door of the last brewery into, so feel free to bring along some bags to return with a growler or two).

The specifics:

1) Here's the intended route:

2) Hoping to head out by ~8 in the morning, maybe we can do lunch at Augustinos (right next to the Great Western Trail) around 11:00 to get our stomachs full of some really good (and highly beer -absorbent) Italian beef.

3) From Augies to Emmetts in West Dundee, arriving by 2 P.M. or a little after if we're meeting up with riders from the Metra in Elgin.

4) From Emmett's  it's a short jump to Scorched Earth, hopefully arriving by 4 P.M.

5) And from Scorched Earth it's an equally short jump to Crystal Lake Brewing, hopefully arriving by 6.  There's a Metra back to the city at 8 P.M. that will likely be my goal, and the next one after that is 10 P.M. if you really like what you find at CLB. Total ride distance ~60 miles from our starting point in the West Loop.

Just doing the fun part of the ride:

For anyone who'd like to be spared the long, sober part of the ride (basically the first 40 miles), feel free to take the 12:30 P.M. Milwaukee District West out of Union Station to Elgin, arriving at 1:55 P.M.  You still get the three breweries and all the lovely riding along the Fox River Trail.  If anyone lets me know they'll be joining us this way I'll make sure to time our arrival in Elgin accordingly (and we'll get to Emmett's a bit later but no big deal).

We've got half a dozen cyclists committed already but all are welcome, either for the 60 or 20 mile ride.  Just let me know if you're joining and where and we'll find a way to coordinate.


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Comment by Christopher Newman on September 29, 2015 at 8:44am
Comment by Christopher Newman on September 26, 2015 at 2:10am
Running late as anticipated. Might be closer to 9:15-9:30 by the time we get to Oak Park and Randolph.
Comment by Christopher Newman on September 26, 2015 at 1:09am

Sounds good.  See everyone else this morning at the starting point (125 S. Green St., Chicago 60607) ~ 8:00 A.M.  Looks like we've got a gorgeous day with favorable winds for riding and drinking and riding and drinking...

Comment by This PBL dosnt make me feel safe on September 26, 2015 at 12:50am

Ok then, I'll be at Oak Park Ave. and Randolph at around 9 AM.

Comment by Christopher Newman on September 24, 2015 at 9:33am

Excellent.  Glad to have you along, and if everyone shows up on time I'd say we'd be in Oak Park by 8:45-9:00 A.M.  We're picking up another rider in Maywood around 9:30.

Comment by This PBL dosnt make me feel safe on September 24, 2015 at 8:57am

I will pick up the ride at Oak Park and Randolph.  What would you estimate the ETA to be?

Comment by Christopher Newman on September 20, 2015 at 1:54pm

Forecast for next Saturday looks quite encouraging (inasmuch as one can trust a 6-day forecast).  No rain, light winds, and what wind there is is blowing from the east.  Probably too good to be true, but one can hope...

Comment by Christopher Newman on August 12, 2015 at 4:31am

Excellent, we'll be glad to have you along.  When it gets a bit closer we'll figure out where to meet up to start the ride, but it will likely be the West Loop as we're gonna head due west to the start of the IPP in Maywood anyway.

Comment by Szurgot on August 12, 2015 at 4:02am

Interested in attending along with my girlfriend. We would want to do the whole ride out from the city we live near west loop. 

We've done some long rides before including the north shore century so the distance won't be an issue for us. 

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