Go Bronzeville / Spokes N' Word / Juneteenth Ride


Go Bronzeville / Spokes N' Word / Juneteenth Ride

Time: June 19, 2017 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Location: Alison Saar’s Monument to the Great Northern Migration
Street: 2620 South King Drive
City/Town: Chicago, Illinois
Phone: 773-440-8700
Event Type: social, community, bike, ride
Organized By: Jamal Julien
Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2017

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Since 1865 communities have come together in commemoration and celebration of Juneteenth, the moment in history in which emancipation, and with it the end of civil war, reached the last remaining enclaves of slavery in the continental USA.

This Juneteenth, Go Bronzeville invites you to join us for our annual community bike ride ommemorating this momentus occasion in history. This year's low stress (slow) bike ride will explore the many and varied opportunities we have to address inequities that have long been experienced by those living in low to moderate income communities, all while promoting local autonomy.

Just blocks from Chicago’s central business district we will meet at Alison Saar’s Monument to the Great Northern Migration at 2620 South King Drive. From there we will take an intimate look at local city projects that exemplify a model neighborhood moving toward community flourishing.

You will witness world-class multi-modal, cultural, relevant transportation strategies, major new infrastructure investments and hear from local community leaders on various local initiatives that collectively improve upon the quality of life within the community.

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