Time: July 10, 2016 from 7pm to 8pm
Location: Belmont and Sacramento
Street: Belmont and Sacramento
City/Town: Chicago, IL 60654
Event Type: ghost bike, ghost bike memorial, #ripvirginiamurray
Organized By: The Chicago Cycling Community
Latest Activity: Jul 9, 2016
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The Chicago cycling community is deeply moved by the loss of Virginia Murray. Her friends, "Ginny was all things good, rarely a negative or angry bone in her body."
Note: Bring colorful candles / decor to set at her ghost bike
A Divvy cyclist was killed after being struck by a flatbed truck at Belmont and Sacramento avenues.
The victim in the incident, which occurred at about 9 a.m. on Friday, was identified as 25-year-old Virginia Murray. She was riding next to a flatbed truck northbound on Sacramento. The two vehicles attempted to turn east onto Belmont when the truck struck the cycle.
As reported by the Chicago Tribune, this is the first bike share death in the country since the program began in 2007. More.
Kristen Green posted this:
7-10-16 @ 7pm
Belmont and Sacramento
So this tragic thing happened.
A girl died.
She was not a controversial person.
She was just like you.
She woke up one morning and said to herself I am gonna ride a bike today.
Innocently she goes to a divvy ride share kiosk and boom she is riding the statistically safest form of biking to date. She reassures herself that she has got this...
Anthony Arce has been deeply moved by this and reached out to our community to get a ghost bike in her honor as he was so deeply saddened by what he witnessed that day. So we have come together with other members of the community and will be placing a memorial "ghost bike" this Sunday 7-10-16 @ 7pm to honor her. If you would like to drop by a flower or a candle or note there please do!
Thanks for supplying the bike, Kristen as well as helping us communicate with each other this morning. We all really appreciate your help.
Yes be advised it has been rescheduled to Sunday to allow friends and family to be there.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped get this together and helped me get a hold of the family and friends
I have acted as the organizer for this ghost bike install (I am the administrator for Chicago bike selling FB message board and had a fellow cyclist reach out after he had witnessed the incident wanting to memorialize her in some way to help with cope his traumatic experience, so I supplied the bike, and served as a main contact point from there.) however I could not have done it alone, and I am so proud of our community coming together to help memorialize Ginny. Thank you Elizabeth A., Jasmeen, Anthony A, Andrew B and everyone else I may have missed who helped get this done with the family involved.
I really hope that I have helped make a difference in any way for the better.
Virgina aka "Ginny" will be remembered.
Please note the change to Sunday so that the family can attend the dedication.
Nice John Greenfield article on this:
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