Fall Tailwind Century


Fall Tailwind Century

Time: October 7, 2017 from 6:30am to 3pm
Location: Quad Cities
Street: Ben Butterworth Parkway
City/Town: Quad Cities
Website or Map: http://qcbc.org/tailwind/fall/
Event Type: century bike ride, century ride, 100 mile ride, cycling century
Organized By: Quad Cities Bicycle Club
Latest Activity: Nov 18, 2016

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Come join us for 2017 Fall Tailwind Century Ride which will be held Saturday, October 7.

We'll start to load bikes at Ben Butterworth Parkway at 6:30 a.m. and leave at 7 a.m. for our starting destination. Please bring a blanket to protect your bike during transportation.

There will be one bus, with a limit of about 45 people. The drive normally takes about two hours. Once there, we'll unload the bikes and send you on your way after handing out cue sheets.

We will have a secure area (probably a locked trailer) for any gear you don't want to haul back on your bike.

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