

Time: September 25, 2010 at 9am to September 26, 2010 at 7pm
Location: New Glarus Wisconsin
Event Type: social, camping, ultimate, fun
Organized By: igz
Latest Activity: Sep 28, 2010

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Pitching a Tent Presents:

Oktoberfest in New Glarus, Wisconsin.

We will be camping on a farm just outside of town, with a 3.2 mile ride (actually a bit less if you cut through the park) to the festival. We will be getting there and back by bus provided by Reggies Rock Club.

Total cost of trip, including Camping and Bus is $40, which will need to be collected by September 12 in order to put money down for that bus. A paypal link will be provided, or cash can be given to me.

We will need to bring much of our own provisions (unless you want to buy in town), but we are camping on a farm, not a campground, so be prepared.


* As of right now we have only 1 pick-up spot. Its 1329 W. Grand, (Grand and Ogden). Please be here between 8 and 8:30! The bus will leave at 9am sharp! We canceled the Reggies pick up spot- please let me know if you were planning on using it and we will work something out.

* We plan to arrive between noon and 1pm. We will set up camp on the farm and then head to the town square for Oktoberfest.

* On Sunday, We plan on staying until about 3pm, which will give everyone time to enjoy the brewery, Oktoberfest on Sunday, or just sit around the camp. This will have us back in Chicago around 6pm or so. Please keep mind of the time, whatever you want to do...whether you wander off to the brewery, hang out at the cheese shop in town, or go for a bike ride, just be back at camp and ready to go by 3pm.

About the Bus

· There is a CD player so bring CD’s

· Reggies is providing beer for us to purchase on the bus. $3 a beer

· Its an 80 seater bus, so all bikes and gear will fit! But remember, we will only be there 1 night, so no need to overpack!

· No bathroom on the bus so 'go' before we go.

· We will not be stopping! unless someone is getting ready to poop themselves. so if you need to go just tell us you are going to poop yourself

· As of right now tip for the driver is not included in the price- but this may change due to increasing intrest at the last minute. so toss some cash in for that if you can, or buy him (and his girlfriend) a beer or two or three!

About the Farm

* The farm is a little over 3 miles away from downtown New Glarus. We will have maps to town for everyone.

* There are no bathrooms, running water, shower (we will bring a portable shower, but water may be chilly), or lights on site!!! I will bring 1 roll of TP and a trowel (shit shovel). Bring your own water and lights

* We are crashing on someone’s private land, so let’s be respectful, keep it clean, and pick up after ourselves

* He is providing us with fire wood and a place for a fire!


· I recommend bringing all your food with you, unless you want to make a food stop while in town. You can probably eat lunch and dinner at the festival if you wanted

· Make sure you are prepared with tools/tubes for your bike!

BRING WARM CLOTHES FOR THE NIGHT, IT MAY GET CHILLY, or at least prepare to spoon with your tent buddy for body heat.

Let me know if you have any questions!!!

Laura and Iggi

Laura- 314-518-6096
Iggi- 267-205-4317


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Comment by dan brown on September 28, 2010 at 6:49am
what everyone else said. this trip was amazing !

ALSO - If anyone that said they'd be interested in doing the
Hilly 100 in Bloomington, IN Oct 8-10 is still interested : we
have car / bike space for two more people.

here are the durty details : http://www.hillyhundred.org/

if none of the new glarus crowd takes them...we will open it
up to all of chainlink

Comment by igz on September 28, 2010 at 6:37am
Sorry this comes a little bit late, but i want to thank everyone for their company this past weekend. it was a most enjoyable time with you. thanks for coming!!
Comment by LarryN on September 27, 2010 at 2:16pm
Comment by Andrew on September 27, 2010 at 4:06am
i'll just repeat that it was a GREAT weekend and it was awesome to get to know so many fun people! Thanks again for the organizing!
Comment by Shay on September 27, 2010 at 3:07am

Laura and Iggi, you are the best.
Comment by Laura on September 27, 2010 at 12:53am
Yes it was a blast!! Andrea find us on facebook. There are a couple hundred of pictures from the trip there. I am sure they will make it to chainlink in the next few days
Comment by Andrea Bolks on September 26, 2010 at 5:10pm
Yes, thanks for getting this put together Iggy and Laura! I'm now home in the burbs after a long bike ride back and so incredibly ready for bed, it feels amazing. haha
Comment by karlene on September 26, 2010 at 3:18pm
such a fun weekend... thanks again to laura and iggi!
Comment by Ryan L on September 24, 2010 at 6:31pm
Comment by Laura on September 24, 2010 at 12:49pm
the rain is called off!

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