Horrible Sweater Hot Drink Hunt


Horrible Sweater Hot Drink Hunt

Time: December 4, 2009 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Daley Plaza
Street: Washington and Dearborn
City/Town: Chicago
Phone: 773-841-3979
Event Type: social, pub crawl, bike winter, bikewinter
Organized By: BalloonBiker
Latest Activity: Dec 30, 2009

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Begin searching for your ironic ugly sweater now. We’ll start off the weekend and festive season in Daley Plaza by enjoying a steaming hot mug of mulled wine (or hot chocolate or coffee) at the Kristkindl Market before heading into the great unknown to find some bone warming beverages.

As it might be a bit chilly, participants are encouraged to wear sweaters OVER their normal winter riding gear so that the festiveness may be enjoyed by all during the ride. Ugly sweaters are going to be judged and prizes will be awarded.

Here is the tentative plan for the night:

Meet at Daley plaza christkindl market (Mulled wine in Souvenir mugs, lots of food options….arrive early to experience more at the market.
Depart 6:15 from Dearborn and Washington.

Arrive around 6:45 at Lincoln Park Zoo – Zoo Lights see the lights and animals, ride the carrousel and enjoy hot chocolate, spiced wine and beer, purchase food from the restaurant. See Santa in the Lion House!
Depart at 7:30 pm from entrance by Sea lions/children’s zoo

Arrive around 8 to Lincoln Square Christkindl market- Listen to music, drink beer, golwein, dance…etc.
Depart at 9:15

Arrive at 9:45 to Final destination: Simons in Andersonville...award prizes and disperse

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Comment by BalloonBiker on December 4, 2009 at 6:23am
Hmm...does it ask for you to sign into google docs? Can you try again? I think I changed the setting.
Comment by Aaron Bussey on December 4, 2009 at 6:10am
no dice
Comment by BalloonBiker on December 4, 2009 at 6:07am
If you would like to print out a .pdf of the ride guide, you may do so from here: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B6hMU-KA_lAnYzYzOTQwNjUtZjNkNS...
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on December 4, 2009 at 5:46am
I am gonna meet up with you kids at the Zoo. I'll be working late tonight. Our sites got hacked. : (
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on December 4, 2009 at 4:08am
The weather is right on for wearing sweaters!
Comment by h' Zerocats on December 3, 2009 at 7:18pm
Facebook page requires login-- what good is that?
I guess I'll just bring any sweater I can find-- will there be a "least horrible" category?
Comment by BalloonBiker on December 3, 2009 at 5:14am
Why spam it on Facebook? Someone I don't know created it, but I think the more, the merrier.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on December 3, 2009 at 4:44am
I am going to spam the shit out of this on facebook, I recommend all of us do that. Who created it?
Comment by Andrew Bedno on December 2, 2009 at 9:18pm
Comment by BalloonBiker on December 2, 2009 at 4:16am
I have a map that I am going to pre-ride tonight after work, I'll try to post it the morning of the ride for those who would like to meet up mid route. I'll also keep my phone on me during the ride, so feel free to call if necessary: 773-841-3979.

Might attend (23)

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