Adventure Cycling Tour of Canaryville, Bridgeport, & Pilsen


Adventure Cycling Tour of Canaryville, Bridgeport, & Pilsen

Time: October 23, 2016 from 9am to 5pm
Location: Daley Plaza - Under the Picasso
Street: 50 W. Washington St
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map:…
Event Type: cycling
Organized By: Tom Limon
Latest Activity: Oct 22, 2016

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Hello Adventure Cyclists

Come join the next Adventure Cycle Tour where we'll be exploring a new batch of Chicago's hidden gems through some of the historical neighborhoods that shaped Chicago in it's infancy of the metropolis we now live in.

Distance: 25 Miles Round Trip

Skill level: Easy/Moderate ride / No drop

Gear: bike, lock, helmet, hydration, snacks and a camera

St. Charles Airline Bridge - Get up and personal with this 1919 Strauss Trunnion Bascule Bridge which spans the Chicago River.

Ping Tom Memorial Park - Dedicated In honor of a successful Chinese Businessman and Civic leader. This park borders Pilsen and Bridgeport. From this vantage point we observe great views of the Amtrak "vertical lift" Bridge, the South Bank of the Chicago River and what lays ahead of this amazing Adventure Cycling Tour.

Pilsen Mural Wall - The railroad line along 16th street is interwoven with numerous artist’s murals, graffiti, street art, and mosaics.

Union Stockyard Gate - The main entrance of the meatpacking district for more than a century, starting in 1865.

Chicago Fireman Monument - Erected to honor 21 Firefighters that were killed while combating the blaze of the Chicago Stock Yards Dec. 22nd 1910.

Canaryville Little League Baseball Stadium - Witness how this community takes little league seriously and see this MLB quality baseball diamond built for the little ones.

Valley Of The Shipping Containers - Bike amongst the giants through an almost endless valley of shipping containers.

Testa Produce Windmill - Visit the first and largest free standing wind turbine, solar panel installation, and an amazing 45,000+ square foot vegetative roof in Chicago.

The Bridgeport Art Center - View the latest creative art installation along the outdoor Sculpture Garden.

The Parallelogram House - This house is without any 90-degree angles originally built on the old grid pattern which followed the rivers natural flow predating Burnham's rectangular grid system of Chicago.

Palmisano Nature Park (Guided Audio Tour) - Incredible 27 acre site on the southwest side. It has transformed from prehistoric coral reefs to quarry to landfill to a gorgeous park with amazing views and perspectives of the city.

Bridgeport Coffee - Coffee or Lunch

Benito Juarez Plaza - This plaza is a collection of statues commemorating iconic Mexican leaders throughout history.

Canal Origins Park - Walks us through prehistoric to present day timelines of the Illinois & Michigan Canal.

Canalport River Walk - A little know Southside river walk and bike path that's located along the Chicago River and the main entry point of the of our final main stop.

Damen Silos - Once one of the main grain silos of its time currently abandoned, was a movie set for Transformers, and now remains the breeding ground of a living street art experiment along the exterior and many interior walks of its many catacombs.

Simone's (Optional) - We will end the ride at Simone's where we can enjoy a beverage and or food.

Safe riding,
The Adventure Cycling Tour Team

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Comment by Tom Limon on October 22, 2016 at 4:57am
Hello Adventure Cyclists...

Here is some last minute information and safety tips.

The temp looks like it will range from the 50s to upper 60s, so I would recommend wearing thin layers you can remove when the temps rise.

Bring water/snacks to munch.

Please fill your tires to the max pressure to minimize pinch flats, tires under inflated are prone to this type of flat. Arrive early and we can make sure you have the proper inflation.
Be aware of your surroundings such as fellow cyclists, vehicles, joggers (especially wearing earbuds), walkers, tourists, and pets. You may see them but they may not see or hear you coming.
If you see a hole, large crack, glass, or debri on the road please call it out so the cyclist behind you is aware.
Follow at a safe distance. Your front wheel shouldn't overlap the rear wheel of the person in front of you this creates a serious hazard.
Use hand signals when stopping and turning.
Safely cross intersections. If you can't make the light, we will wait for you on the other side of the intersection.
Be alert, it's great to have conversations with people but remember to be aware of potential hazards.

Most importantly enjoy the ride and have a blast!
Comment by Tom Limon on October 19, 2016 at 2:46am

Looks like the weather Sunday will be perfect. I updated the event to include all the major points of interests.

Comment by Tom Limon on October 12, 2016 at 6:18am
The outcome from last Friday's scouting missions allows us to add 6 more incredible main points of interest that do not add any additional mileage to the planned ride. See below......

St. Charles Airline Bridge - Get up and personal with this 1919 Strauss Trunnion Bascule Bridge which spans the Chicago River.

The Bridgeport Art Center - View the latest creative art installation along the outdoor Sculpture Garden.

The Parallelogram House - This house is without any 90-degree angles originally built on the old grid pattern which followed the rivers natural flow predating Burnham's rectangular grid system of Chicago.

Canaryville Little League Baseball Stadium - Witness how this community takes little league seriously and see this MLB quality baseball diamond built for the little ones.

Valley Of The Shipping Containers - Bike amongst the giants through an almost endless valley of shipping containers.

Testa Produce Windmill - Visit the first and largest free standing wind turbine, solar panel installation, and an amazing 45,000+ square foot vegetative roof in Chicago.
Comment by Tom Limon on October 7, 2016 at 4:21am
Took the day off will be out scouting for more points of interest and connecting even more of the dots for the next Adventure Cycling Tour!

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