Evanston Kidical Mass


Evanston Kidical Mass

Time: August 31, 2014 from 10:15am to 11:30am
Location: Washington Elementary School
Street: 914 Ashland St
City/Town: Evanston
Website or Map: http://www.chicagokidicalmass…
Event Type: social, family, friendly
Organized By: Chicago Kidical Mass
Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2014

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Gather at Washington Elementary at Florence & Main near the playground at 10:15 for a 10:30am departure.

This ride is free and open to the public.

The Evanston ride will happen on the last Sunday of each month - rain or shine! But if it's really rainy, we'll keep it short. We'll also try to post the route, so if you're late, you can try to catch up!

We'll end at Penny Park with a fruit treat for the riders :)

* Please wear helmets and ride safely.
* Rides are typically 3-4 miles at a 5-6 mph pace, roughly 1 hour with stops.
* Rides are suitable for children who have progressed beyond training wheels.
* Younger children are welcome on trail-a-bikes, child trailers and child seats on their parent's bike.
* Festive dress and decorations encouraged.
* It is expected that all kids bring a parent or guardian with a bike.
*We gather to have fun and promote a healthy choice to bike, safety is always our priority, and please be mindful of your children's well being at all times.

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