Time: August 28, 2021 from 9am to 5pm
Location: Intelligentsia Broadway
Street: 3123 N Broadway
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.dr-bob.org/3f.map
Event Type: drunken
Organized By: bobweiser
Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2021
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No, this isn't about making a list of all the people we've harmed and becoming willing to make amends to them.
It's about riding to Three Floyds and boosting our cognitive function every month this year! There's a somewhat consistent schedule -- usually the 4th Saturday of the month -- and you can qualify for the F-12 Award.
We meet between 8:30 and 9 at Intelligentsia Broadway to caffeinate. We then take Barry east and the lakefront trail south. Feel free to join up anywhere along the trail. Just let us know where so we can look for you.
The sixth-best brewery in the world is unfortunately currently pickup-only. Lunch is somewhere TBD in the Divvy service area on the way back.
42 miles total if to return you ride back to Hammond and take the South Shore Line, 45 if you ride to Flossmoor Station and take the Metra, 50 if you ride to 93rd and take the Metra or to 100th and take the J14, 55 if you ride to 71st and take the J14, 70 if you ride all the way. 15-18 mph. Bring money, government-issued ID, a lock, water and snacks to have en route, and panniers for beer you can't get in Chicago.
Chicago is currently in Phase 5. Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status, in all indoor public settings. Masks are required on buses and trains. If you are sick with or think you might have Covid, please stay home.
Online resources: Google map, cue sheet, South Shore Line schedule, Metra Electric train schedule, Jeffery Jump (J14) bus schedule, Bikes on the South Shore Line, Bikes on the Metra, Bikes on the Bus, and, to save a minute at the start, the nifty online CCC waiver.
PS: I give these rides these names because I find them humorous in an ironic way. It's not my intent to make light of addictions, efforts to recover from addictions, or 12-step peer support groups like AA. If you're trying to drink in moderation, we'll support you. If you're trying to abstain, you may want to give this ride a pass.
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