Time: August 26, 2017 from 9am to 3pm
Location: Big Marsh
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://goo.gl/maps/eZhETDQTR…
Event Type: fun, cyclocross, race
Organized By: Half Acre Cycling
Latest Activity: Aug 20, 2017
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Half Acre Cycling is teaming up with West Town Bikes to bring you our second CX Eliminator race!
It's a cyclo-cross race, but not one you've done before. It's an elimination-style cyclo-cross race.
1) Race starts with a non-elimination seed round, mass start to determine heat placement for the first elimination round.
2) Next comes the elimination rounds, heats of eight racers again complete a hot lap (between 5-10 minutes). The top four finishers move to the next round. The bottom four are eliminated from competition but will compete in a Consolation Round for bragging rights.
3) And finally the Championship Round, the final eight racers will complete the lap, head-to-head, with the top three racers earning podium spots.
You may not yet be in CX-season form, but you've got a hot lap (or three) in you. You know it. We know it. We see the CX Eliminator as a tune-up. Test those legs, re-learn those remounts, maybe work on your heckles a bit. Clean up your bike, tighten the straps on your CX shoes, and leave the thermal skinsuit at home. It's time to remind yourself that bike racing is FUN. Even if you don't want to race, come heckle, come hang. It will be a good time guaranteed.
Check out the HACCXE website for all the details: http://cx-eliminator.blogspot.com/p/about.html
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