Time: January 25, 2019 from 5:30pm to 11:45pm
Location: Daley Plaza
Street: 50 West Washington
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://tinyurl.com/2019Polka…
Phone: 312-560-3966
Event Type: social
Organized By: John Greenfield
Latest Activity: Jan 24, 2019
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In keeping with the annual tradition, a roughly 10-mile "Polka Ride" Critical Mass bike route is proposed from Daly Plaza, 50 West Washington, to the Independence Tap, 3932 West Irving Park in the Old Irving Park neighborhood, to see the high-energy polka trio The Polkaholics. The power-pop trio The Cloud Corporation opens the show. The ride assembles after 5:30 PM at the plaza, departing a little after 6 PM.
Here's the print version of the route map. Interactive online version at https://tinurl.com/2019PolkaRide.
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