Time: February 12, 2011 from 1pm to 9pm
Location: Beckett's Public House
Street: 3210 N Lincoln Ave
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f…
Event Type: tweed, social, pub, crawl, bbc
Organized By: da' Square Wheelman & the BBC
Latest Activity: Feb 15, 2011
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As per tradition, please be at our jumping off/falling down point for a 1pm (sharp) departure. Therefore, I would humbly suggest that the more "enbooziastic" Rob Roys & Ocean Pearls consider arriving at 11am when Beckett's Public House (formerly Belly's) commences its business day! The route will take us lazily past the following fine establishments:
Black Rock
3614 N. Damen Ave.Ten Cat Lounge
3931 N Ashland Ave.
(South of Irving Park)
(773) 935-5377
A tentative and highly digestible route can be found here.
Aaron - no george washington costime this time !!! remember - he got wasted last time and missed the bonfire. Guy Fawkes be damned !!!
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