Chicago Ghost Bikes Ride


Chicago Ghost Bikes Ride

Time: November 8, 2009 from 2pm to 4pm
Location: Washington Park
Street: 881 N Clark
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map:
Phone: 773-442-2386
Event Type: ghost, group, short, chicago
Organized By: Andrew Bedno
Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2010

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Simple 10.4mi route passing all 9 north/central Chicago area Ghost Bikes, taking a moment at each to give attention and take photos.

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Starting at the South end, near Chicago Ave RedLine stop, ending in under 2 hours at North end near Montrose/Ashland.

881 N. Clark, Washington Square Fountain
W on W Delaware Pl
 0.1 900 N La Salle Dr
  Clinton Miceli (6/9/08)
R on N Lasalle Dr N 0.3
L on W Division St W 2.8
 1.8 1400 W Division
  Alicia Frantz (6/3/05)
L on N Western Ave S 0.3
 3.4 1000 N Western
  Isai Medina (1/5/06)
R on W Augusta Blvd W 0.8
R on N Humboldt Blvd N 1.3
L on W Armitage Ave W 0.2
 5.4 Armitage/Humboldt
  Amanda "Mandy" Annis (4/30/08)
 5.7 Armitage/Kedzie
  Blanca Alicia Ocasio (9/11/07)
R on N Kedzie Ave N 0.7
R on W Logan Blvd E 1.3
 7.4 Logan/Western
  Tyler Fabeck (4/20/08)
R on W Diversey Ave E 0.3 mi
L on N Damen Ave 2.0
 8.2 3000 N Damen
  Liza Whitacre (10/21/09)
 9.5 Damen/Lincoln/Irving
  Matthew Manger-Lynch (2/28/08)
R on W Montrose Ave E 0.2
L on N Ravenswood Ave
 10.4 4400 N Ravenswood
  Jerry Williams (6/18/09)

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Comment by Andrew Bedno on November 8, 2009 at 6:01pm
Quick bottom lines, ten came out, ride was perfect. Some streets a bit rough, but not for a crowd. Almost all bike were in SURPRISINGLY good shape. Near perfect in most cases, some were extremely well maintained. I'll publish photos later, with some collected backstory, and a few slightly corrected locations. BUT, the one at Lincoln (north of IrvingPark/Damen), all felt could literally use replacement. The whole headset/handlebars is gone, AND it's locked on a bike rack.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on November 7, 2009 at 7:34pm
1. Meet in center of Washington Square (881 N. Clark, by Newberry, bounded by Walton/Delaware/Dearborn) BEFORE 2:15pm or find us en-route.
2. Map flyer updated with turn-by-turn and mileages, I'm bringing some or download here or use smartphone.
3. I bought a few dozen nice plastic white roses. Feel free to bring more.
4. Also bringing garbage bag, and other odds-n-ends in case.
5. Weather forecasts mostly sunny, 64, S wind. Couldn't ask for better.
6. I'm leaving AVille on LFP by 1pm. Northside co-riders welcome, just ask my address.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on November 6, 2009 at 7:08am
Ongoing planning, pursuant to not not finding any:
Checking web and my files. I found other's photos of Blanca, Clint, Isai, and Mandy. I've photographed four before: Liza, Jerry, Alicia, and Tyler, and see these a few times a year. The three closest to Humboldt Park (Blanca, Mandy, Isai) I seldom see, but others have not too long ago. HCCM2008 did Alicia, Matthew, Tyler and Clint. ROS 2009 did Clint, Tyler, Blanca, Isai and Mandy.
So of the nine bikes planned for Sunday, Matthew Manger-Lynch (Damen/Lincoln/IrvingPark) is the least confirmed. I've heard that local merchants fight its presence, and I vaguely remember not finding it once last year. Could check... Anyone know? But regardless, we'll pass that point.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on November 5, 2009 at 12:44pm
I’m much relieved at the decreasing likelihood of riding this alone.

Plan is meet in the center of Washington Square, which plots as 881 N Clark (bounded by Walton/Dearborn/Delaware/Clark), 2blks NW of Chicago Ave RedLine stop. I can't remember being there, but from space looks like there’s a fountain in the middle. So get to the fountain then look for cyclists. Not sure if I’m gonna train or ride there. Leaving the park westbound is just a block to the first ghost. I'll have a turn-by-turn by Sunday, but it has not been pre-ridden. Emergency voicemail: 773-4422FUN
Comment by Andrew Bedno on November 5, 2009 at 10:15am
Parallel FaceBook event posting:
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on November 5, 2009 at 4:50am
Wish I could!

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