Time: November 6, 2010 at 9am to November 7, 2010 at 7pm
Location: Indiana Dunes State Park, Chesterton IN
Event Type: social, camping, touring, bikewinter
Organized By: Kelly
Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2010
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Most likely the last opportunity of the season for us cycling campers, this is an event not to miss.
Cycle paths lead directly to the Dunes via lakefront, Erie Lackawanna, Oak Savannah, and the Prairie Duneland trails. Distance ~65 miles
Depart Sat morning, time to be determined by attending parties. 9am?
Mule service leaving Friday night and camping all weekend, compliments of Kelly. Go light and have me bring the extra weight in the car.
BRRRRing warm clothing, a big tent, and "friends" to keep you warm!
$2/bike entrance fee, sites are $17.34/night and are allowed up to six people.
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