Bike Trip to 2 Brothers Brewery and Camping!!!!


Bike Trip to 2 Brothers Brewery and Camping!!!!

Time: June 23, 2012 at 8am to June 24, 2012 at 8pm
Location: 2 Brothers Brewery and Blackwell Forest Preserve
Website or Map:…
Event Type: camping, beer, biking
Organized By: Kellie
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2013

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Ok, kids, the deal is we ride to 2 Brothers in Warrenville, then we ride to Wheaton to go camping!

The ride to Warrenville is approximately 33 miles, so it won't be too strenuous (particularly for those of you suckers who don't have someone with a car to carry yo' shit for you)!  I think we should still leave fairly early, so we have some time in the brewery and in front of the campfire.  However, its only about 7 miles to the campground.

I'm unfamiliar with both of these places, so if anyone has some input as to routes, calling ahead, reservations, and what not, its always appreciated! That being said, I want to do a pre-ride, but haven't decided on a date.  Anyone game?

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Comment by Laura on June 20, 2012 at 5:14am
I think we should get an additional site unless we use the 9 man. 4 person tents don't really fit 4 people.
Comment by Kellie on June 20, 2012 at 5:08am

Update: Garth will not be staying the night, so there will be 14 people camping.  If we use 3 four man tents and 1 2 man tent, we should be just fine with the 2 group sites, no?

Comment by Kellie on June 20, 2012 at 4:47am

Wahoo, this is going to be fun!

OK, so we will leave Ft. Awesome at 8:00 AM, get to Garth's around 9:00 and have some breakfast (it's BYOB, so if folks can grab a bag of bagels, peanut butter, cream cheese, etc. to share, they would be wonderful).  Then, we will leave Garth's around 10:00 at the latest, hopefully, getting us to the campsite in a couple of hours, give or take if we stop for beers along the way.

Now, onto other matters, It looks like we have 15 people definitely attending and we are allowed a total of 16 (unless we get more sites).  We are also allowed 4 tents, which is sort of weird, but hey.  This is my understanding so far:

Kellie - 2 person tent

Aaron - 4 person tent

Iggi - 2, 4 or 9 person tent

Will - 4 person tent

I don't know who is sleeping with who, but we probably wanna make sure no one is left outside, although it would probably be gorgeous!  So, please update my teeny little list above!  Thanks! 

Comment by Aaron Bussey on June 19, 2012 at 2:21pm

Its actually a 4 man tent so we dont HAVE to spoon...

Comment by Aaron Bussey on June 19, 2012 at 2:20pm

Johnny Woo Woo - you can tent with me in my 2 man dude if you need to  - Katie will be in Vegas so I am going solo

Comment by Dave Shefren on June 19, 2012 at 3:40am
This is a ride I've been thinking of doing for a while. I'd love to join you guys if that is ok. I have a couple friends that are interested as well. Please let me know if that is ok and where to meet everyone.
Comment by Sanchith on June 19, 2012 at 3:38am

I've RSVP'ed but wanted to confirm here that I'm in.

Comment by Laura on June 18, 2012 at 3:46pm

Duppie  1329 W Grand.  You can see how well the plants you gave us are doing!

Comment by Duppie on June 18, 2012 at 12:19pm

Where is Fort Awesome?

Oh, and is there an itinerary? What time would we be done at Two Brothers? Do you have to plan lunch there? What about Lunar Brewing in Villa Park. Are stopping there?

Comment by karlene on June 18, 2012 at 12:18pm

i'm revised my RSVP... though we would LOVE to come, we have a going away party for an awesome co-worker/friend of mine and her bf on Saturday night and this will be one of our last chances to see them before they go :-(  But have so much fun and count us in for the next one!

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