
Bike Party

Time: December 6, 2013 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: meet at West Town Bikes
Street: 2459 w. division
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Event Type: social, bikewinter
Organized By: lauren sailor
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2013

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Meet at West Town Bikes at 6 pm. We'll roll out at 6:30 if we're feeling ambitious (doubtful) or 7ish if not.

Forget downtown you guys, let's head straight to CHAOS if nobody objects.

This is how we ride:

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Comment by lauren sailor on December 6, 2013 at 12:27pm
Event updated. Meet up at WTB between 6 and 7. At some point, do a quick ride over to Chaos near Western and Hubbard.
Comment by Mike Zumwalt on December 6, 2013 at 11:53am
Division street bar 2525 west has a $5 shot and beer special and decent food if anyone's doing a round trip back.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on December 6, 2013 at 5:37am

"It's supposed to be cold, so let's make it shortish. Let's meet at West Town Bikes at 6, roll at 6:30. You guys can show me some of you fancy new downtown bike lanes, and we can have a warm-up stop at the Billy Goat or at the Blue Frog. Then on to chaos."

I live not far, so may go, but jeez the cold is stunning, even for the BW skilled.

The linked (St. Joe's) Bike Party stuff is REALLY interesting.  They've been throwing civilized multi-thousand person monthly rides with planned routes without permits for years.

Comment by Reddog (Cliff) on December 5, 2013 at 2:52pm

Where will it start?  Where is it going? If I am able to, I would love to attend.

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