Time: June 13, 2015 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Location: Rebuilding Exchange
Street: 1740 West Webster Avenue
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/b…
Phone: 773-355-0882
Event Type: workshop, class
Organized By: Pedal To The People
Latest Activity: Apr 30, 2015
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Adam Clark literally pedaled unexpectedly into entrepreneurship after realizing an abandon metal garbage tote would become Pedal To The People-- a fully mobile, pedal powered bicycle service station on wheels. An experience with them demonstrates the beauty of shared space in Chicago, where cycling as a way of life is ever growing. To continue this growth, he encourages people to empower themselves with radical self reliance in maintaining their own bicycles. He will explain the bicycle as a machine and the benefits of preventative maintenance with hands on demonstrations including patching inner tubes and truing wheels. Participants will receive problem solving skills and a knowledge base to empower the cyclist! Feel free to bring your bikes as examples.
Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite for $15, there are 10 spots available for the class.
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