Time: August 29, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm
Location: West Town Bikes
Street: 1147 N. Cempbell Ave.
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://westtownbikes.org/node…
Phone: 312-656-1953
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Michael Young
Latest Activity: Aug 21, 2014
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Learn the basics of how to keep your bike running smoothly and reliably all year long. We will cover things like preventing flats, bike fit, tools, and basic adjustments. Its an interactive learning workshop and the days content is driven by what the participants want to learn. This class is a great introduction to West Town Bikes, our workshop and other opportunities here. Bring your bike. No prior knowledge necessary.
Contact Michael Young at michael@westtownbikes.org or 312-656-1953 to reserve a spot. A minimum donation of $25 is recommended for participation. If you are not able to cover the donation contact Michael for other options. Funds raised are used to support youth and community programs offered by West Town Bikes.
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