Time: May 16, 2018 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Arlington Heights, Recreation Park
Website or Map: http://cyclearlington.com
Event Type: cycling, rights
Organized By: Gary Gilbert
Latest Activity: May 15, 2018
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The Arlington Heights Bicycle Club participates in a very special ride each year -- the International Ride of Silence. Arlington Heights is one of more than 300 cities that participate in this world wide event. The ride is held in remembrance and honor of those who have suffered injury or death while cycling. The ride is held on the third Wednesday of May each year, and leaves from Recreation Park in Arlington Heights starting at 7:00 p.m.
2018 Ride of Silence is May 16. Please arrive at Recreation Park in Arlington Heights at 6:30PM. Ride leaves promptly at 7PM for 10 miles. Everyone is invited to join us.
email rideofsilence@cyclearlington.com with questions
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