Time: May 27, 2023 from 9am to 4pm
Location: Big Marsh Park
Street: 11559 S Stony Island Ave.
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://bigmarsh.org/afterglo…
Event Type: race, cyclocross, run
Organized By: Big Marsh
Latest Activity: May 2, 2023
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Get ready to run, jump, ride, dance, and keep biking real amidst the beautiful wilderness that is Lake Calumet. We guarantee you’re gonna have a good time.
9 AM – Community 5K Run
10 AM -1 mi Walk
11 AM – Group Exploration Ride
12-4 PM – Bike racing for anyone who wants to try! We will have beginner friendly / fun lap to a 50 min “more serious” race, through Big Marsh on dirt, pavement, and more!
All day: Big Marsh hiking and walking, food, DJ’s, and community!
Registration is open now! Email events@bigmarsh.org with questions.
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