Time: July 12, 2015 from 11am to 1:30pm
Location: Currency Exchange Cafe
Street: E Garfield Blvd
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://gallery400.uic.edu/eve…
Event Type: social, bike tour
Organized By: UIC Gallery 400 and FULTONIA
Latest Activity: Jul 8, 2015
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Join Gallery 400 for a group bike ride that explores the underlying themes of their current exhibit, After Today, as they relate to bodies moving through space, neighborhoods, and physical pathways with stops at key landmarks. Artists included in the exhibition will join the bike ride and introduce key locations in the city that inform their work. Led by FULTONIA collaborator Eboni Senai Hawkins, the ride moves beyond the white cube to ponder discussions of justice and mobility in Chicago!
Meet: 11:00am at Currency Exchange Cafe (305 E Garfield Blvd)
Ride Out: 11:30am
Duration: Approximately 2 hours
Pace: approximately 10 mph (slow-average) - No drop (no one left behind).
Participants are requested to wear helmets during the ride. They are encouraged to ensure that their bikes are tuned up prior to the ride and to bring water and snacks. Children should ride on the same bike as their parents (in a seat or with a tandem bike) so that we may maintain average speed. Those who would like to participate but do not have a bike can check Spinlister or Chainlinks for rentals by the day or the week.
In 2013, a collective of urban cyclists and makers in Chicago, committed to the health, wealth, and environment of Black communities, encountered a sign that read “Fultonia” at 1953 W. 63rd Street. This was the former site of Dr. Alvenia Fulton’s renowned Health and Fasting Institute, which combined a storehouse for herbs, a vegetarian restaurant, and the first health food store in Chicago. Dr. Fulton was known for espousing a meatless diet, fasting as a form of rejuvenation, and healing the body through naturopathic means. Inspired by Fulton’s legacy, FULTONIA brings together a revolving host of collaborators across disciplines to act as a creative repository and ongoing examination of vitality in physical and psychic bodies.
- See more at: http://gallery400.uic.edu/events/after-today-bike-ride#sthash.USfuf12u.dpuf
Photo credit: Courtesy of Richard Pack and Red Bike & Green - Chicago
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