Time: June 13, 2010 from 11am to 6pm
Location: Start: Ravenswood Metra, First Stop: Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie, Second Stop: St Paul Wood's in Morton Grove
Street: 4800 N Ravenswood
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://www.ilholocaustmuseum.…
Phone: 773-965-3396
Event Type: bike, ride, concert, exhibit
Organized By: Julie Hochstadter and Chicago Cycling Club
Latest Activity: Jun 13, 2010
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Who knew the creator of the Curious George series fled the Nazis by bike?
Join Chicago Cycling Club as we visit the exhibit of this little-known wartime cyclist but very well-known writer at The Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie, "The Wartime Escape: Margret and H.A. Rey’s Journey from France".
Ride will start at Lawrence/Ravenswood, head to Skokie via the North Branch Trail.
We will be at the museum from approximately 12-1:30
For those who want to keep riding, the group will then meander to Morton Grove to hear David Broza, one of Israel's famous guitarists, at the Jewish Folk Arts Festival.
Here is a link to one of his songs on Youtube.
Concert/Fest 2:30-5:30
ALL are welcome to join for the ride, museum and/or concert.
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